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Trigger Select Option Click from outside

We can trigger select box option click from outside the select box. Create a Select box, Now we are going to trigger the options click from outside. Create three buttons, So when you click the first button(F.R.I.E.N.D.S), respective option should be selected in the select box. To do so, you can use trigger event as given below, To trigger click of the options, Check out working code in  jsFiddle Thanks :)
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Styling Placeholder

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Contact Number Input boxes

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Custom Radio Buttons With Images

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Reduce bullet size in a list

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Nested List

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Styles not reflecting

Today my husband asked me for some styling help. He doesn’t know html and css. Sometimes he will need help in his work for changing minor styles. At that time I will feel like a superhero, I will change the color and show him some magic with colors :P He will be like, ”Oh baby you are so talented!!” I helped him in styling a table. Whatever I do, the styles didn’t reflect in the page. I was confused. I stopped all my household works , took his laptop and started debugging. My husband looked at me as if I was diffusing a bomb. I tried all the combinations of selector, restarted the server, refreshed page like 100 times but styles didn’t reflect. I checked the css file in sources tab, styles are available there, but is not rendered in Styles tab. Finally I found the issue. It was because of an unwanted { before the style which was not reflecting  in css file. My husband was happy when I found the issue. He praised me again:P Little he knew that I should have checked for